What we Believe
Equality is a critical issue that affects us all. It is not just a fight for a single individual, but a goal we need to reach together to create a truly sustainable society. We at T R E E M believe that equality is not only a fundamental human right that all people deserve but a necessary foundation to create a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.
Our ambition
The core of our brand is to be a True and elegant movement, a journey to reach out to the world through our design language, to empower our wearers but also work towards making the world a better place.
For that reason, we have made it our goal to contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for gender equality (nr 5) & reduced inequalities (nr 10). We want to highlight that our target is not only related to gender, but equality for all. Our ambition is to create a work environment that gives each person at TREEM an opportunity to shape their own lives and to have a successful future regardless of nationality, cultural background, or gender.

Gender equality - why it matters
The reason why gender equality matters is quite simple, it is a problem that half of the world’s population has to deal with. Inequalities faced by women sometimes begin as early as birth, and can follow through the rest of their lives. If this is the case it is quite clear to why a change is necessary. Women have always had a huge impact on society, and if they are treated differently and are not appreciated we lose the creativity and potential they have to offer.
For the world to create a truly sustainable society where peace rains and prosperity is available for all, we need to account for the social factor and equality. This means that we need to become part of a movement, a movement which needs to be something more than just a goal of equal gender distribution. The movement needs to help change the norms, attitudes and values which affect the lives of women and men in all parts of society. Because equal rights and opportunities for both women and men will help all people fulfil their true potential – then we can become a fulfilled society.

What we do
To make this change we believe that each action matters, whether it is a large measure or a minor step, all efforts are essential. That is why, at TREEM we begin the fight against inequality by creating a great working environment and build relationships which will empower employees.
When building our team, we look for balance both with personality, nationality and gender, as we firmly believe that a mix of people is essential to coordinate the perfect team.
We believe that an equal mix of people will help both our brand and it’s people to reach their full potential. And, we don’t just focus on equal gender distribution, we also want to be a good example of others, which is why we want our suppliers or partners to stand for the same values as our brand. Our team consists of a mix of different people who all strives for the world’s potential and equal opportunities as they know that it not just a fundamental human right – but the key to a healthy society.

Product development
This philosophy is also expressed through the jewellery we create as each piece of TREEM jewellery is designed to hold a deeper significance for the wearer to empower them during the day. The design is meant to make the wearer feel elegant, to remind them of their inner strength, and inspire them to live honestly and fairly towards other individuals. The design language behind TREEM was created to empower all, young, old, male, female and anyone in between so everyone can come together and make a positive change in the world. That is also the reason why TREEM is a unisex brand, offering equal opportunities to feel empowered and be the best version of yourself.

We also take great care to make sure that the message of female empowerment is expressed and present through both the communication and presentation of our designs. We believe that our positive empowerment of women, as well as our mentality to fight for what is right, can help inspire others to join the True and Elegant Movement and take up the fight for themselves. We want to change the unconscious biases by bringing attention to invisible barriers that can lead to unequal opportunities. Our ambition is to work with women and girls everywhere to achieve gender equality and stop the limitation of women that prevent them from achieving their full potential through the medium of fashion. For example, you can read more in our post about Women’s inspiration in this falls fashion.
From product development to customer support and communication, we all work together with equality in mind. To create a better world, a sustainable society we want and can live happily in. We believe in all-inclusiveness, men, women and all nationalities, which is why we are part of this fight. Our team is a collaborative one with multiple nationalities and cultural diversity that wants to make a change and be part of a better future.