Note: As an action against fast consumption – we have decided to keep our business closed today Friday the 26th of November.

Note: As an action against fast consumption – we have decided to keep our business closed today Friday the 26th of November.


As a company and as believers of the True and Elegant Movement, we strongly believe in reaching out with our raw and elegant design language, but we also in equal part believe in making the world better at the same time.That is why we are making it our goal to contribute to UN’s Sustainable development goals.

We have chosen four that we can focus on at this stage of our journey:


Responsible consumption & Production

We practice responsible production & consumption. That’s why we insist on designing & forging our jewellery locally in Sweden. Our main metal is Sterling Silver 935 which is 100% up-cycled. Since 2022 we are also working only with 100% up-cycled gold in our vermeil products. Our jewelry pieces are made ethically by artisans in Stockholm . All our shipping material, boxes, & pouches are fairtrade, and ECO certified.


Decent work & economic growth

Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create conditions that allow people to have quality jobs. Unlike large parts of the industry, we do not stand for production in low wage countries & inhumane working conditions. Therefore we, as also mentioned above, only produce in Sweden where we know every goldsmith and worker has a fair wage & good working condition.



We believe in equality for everyone, no matter the gender, nationality or background. It is not only a fundamental human right but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous & sustainable world. From product development to customer support, we all work together with equality in mind. We also believe in all-inclusiveness which is why our team is a collaborative one with multiple nationalities & cultural diversity.


Climate Action

We believe in climate action. Acknowledging the climate crisis isn’t enough. That’s why we avoid shipping with air. We regularly compensate for the Co2 emissions we stand for through our collaboration with OneTreePlanted, where we plan trees in the Andes. We aim as much as possible to challenge the industry, & that your purchase with us should be as sustainable as possible.